Stretford and Urmston

Methodist Circuit


Sevenways Methodist Church

On 1st September 1976, two churches came together to form the new society called Sevenways.
King Street Church erected in 1878 was a direct result of the witness of Ester Cookson, a Primitive Methodist who started the work in 1829.
Moss Park Church on the other hand was in the Wesleyan tradition, a daughter church of the old Edge Lane Society and opened in 1932.

These two churches were complementary to each other in the Stretford and Urmston Circuit until under the guidance and grace of God they joined together and began a new era in Methodist witness in this part of Stretford. For 12 months the joint Society met in the King Street building whist alterations were made to the building on the Moss Park Site.

The Opening Dedication Service and 1st Anniversary of Sevenways Methodist Church took place on 1st September 1977. The Official opening was by Mrs Margaret Pratt, wife of the minister at the time, Rev Geoffrey Pratt, who conducted the service and Rev Yeoman Muckle BA was the Anniversary Preacher. During the service memorials including the Communion Table and stained glass windows were dedicated.

As both churches had a Boys' Brigade Company, the 48th Manchester and the 10th Manchester Companies, a new company 3rd Trafford, was formed in 1976. After a few years a Girls' Brigade Company was started. Today the Boys' Brigade continues but unfortunately the Girls' Brigade Company has laid down its Colours in 2010.